Under the theme Unpredictable, CTM.08 investigated artistic concepts that imply the surprising and unforeseeable, accidents, mistakes, and coincidences as a means to alter the dynamics of creative processes and to discover new aesthetic forms.
Intentional coincidences produce paradoxical irritations that allow for a re-enchantment and sensualisation of abstract structures – whether applicable to technological systems, social situations, or communicative and collective processes in open project structures. CTM.08 therefore examined play with the unpredictable also as a method of conscious disorientation, of asserting a provocative independence, and as immunisation against the growing desire of public and commercial organisations for security and control.
As always, the festival’s two weekends have been strongholds of the best of contemporary club music, while the weekdays presented sonic experiments between digital glitch, acoustic beauty, abrasive noise and outrageous metal. A selection of visual artists was setting the right frame by applying new looks to the festival's main venue Maria am Ostbahnhof. Workshops have visitors opportunities for hands-on experience in building their own electronic sound devices. Lectures, a film programme, and discussion rounds gave in-depth information to topics related to experimental music culture.
«Berlins bestes Popfestival»
→ Berliner Zeitung, Jens Balzer
«Das wohl innovativste und spannendste Festival der elektronischen Musik»
→ Berliner Morgenpost
«Das traditionell beste Festival der Stadt»
→ Die Tagezeitung, Kirsten Riesselmann
«Der Club Transmediale ist ein feiner Hort musikalischer Experimentierfreudigkeit, den man nicht hoch genug bewerten kann.»
→ Stadtkind
«Es ist das wohl hippste und spannendste Medien- und Musikfestival in Deutschland, ein Garant für Innovation und ungewöhnliche Spielarten der Klangkunst.»
→ Berliner Morgenpost
«Dance music, out-pop, and avant-garde practice make this one of Berlin’s most engaging events.»
→ Earplug
«Now in its ninth year, Club Transmediale is Berlin’s premier festival dedictated to electronic and experimental music.»
→ Resident Advisor
«...cette manifestation qu’on attend chague année comme le baromètre mondial de la musique électronique...»
→ Poptronics
«Club Transmediale ist das deutsche Pendant des Sonar Festivals.»
→ Spex
«Kein Festival im deutschsprechigen Raum verortet die Clubmusik so entschieden im Experimentellen und Interdisziplinären wie der Club Transmediale.»
→ De-Bug
«... every year's line-up is worth pursuing, and some gigs turn out to be more than special...»
→ Exberliner
«For the most part, large festivals serve music on a plate, as a fait accompli, ready to be consumed but over-cooked and rarely presenting anything indelicate or challenging. Those who prefer their music a la carte are advised to explore Berlin's Club Transmediale.»
→ Chris Campion, The Guardian
«Es muss nicht alles gelingen, aber was könnte in Zeiten der Reizüberflutung dringlicher und spannender sein als ein Festival, das sein Publikum durch sämtliche Tiefen - und Untiefen - des musikalischen Daseins zwischen Klangkunst und Feierabend-Bonanza führt? Im Club Transmediale ist alles erlaubt, was jenseits der Fesseln des vermeintlich guten Geschmacks, seiner Stagnation und festgesetzten Struktur möglich ist.»
→ Der Tagesspiegel, Volker Lüke
96 page CTM.08 catalogue
!WOWOW! Collective
Abominations ⦁ Alexander Rishaug & Marius Watz ⦁ Alejandra Perez Nunez ⦁ Alva Noto ⦁ Andrea Sartori ⦁ Andrei Smirnov ⦁ Andy Stott
Beezeboe ⦁ BJNilsen & Hildur Gudnadottir ⦁ Birthday Party Crew feat DJ Donna Summer, Sly1, Mr. Ouzo, Unkle T., Lil'Jean & Ohboygeorgemichaeljacksonpollock ⦁ Brandon Labelle
Captain Ahab ⦁ Chris de Luca vs Phon.o ⦁ Christian Marclay & Flo Kaufmann ⦁ Chrome Hoof ⦁ Claro Intelecto ⦁ Cobula ⦁ Commonwealth ⦁ Conrad Schnitzler ⦁ Curses!
da.lia ⦁ Dallas Simpson ⦁ Daniel Menche ⦁ Derek Holzer ⦁ Detroit Grand Pubahs ⦁ DJ Miles ⦁ DJ TV Disko
Ebony Bones ⦁ Efdemin ⦁ Efterklang ⦁ Evelina Domnitch & Dimitri Gelfand w Andrei Smirnov
Fredrik Olofsson
Gary Hurst ⦁ Graw Boeckler ⦁ Groupshow
Hans W. Koch ⦁ Huoratron
Ignatz ⦁ Islaja ⦁ Ives#1
Jahcoozi ⦁ Jared Tarbell ⦁ Jessica Rylan ⦁ Joakim and his Ectoplasmic Band
Kalabrese & ⦁ Rumpelorchestra ⦁ Kavinsky ⦁ Keiichiro Shibuya ⦁ Klimek ⦁ Kraftpost
Larry Heard ⦁ Leander Herzog ⦁ Legendary Stardust Cowboy ⦁ Léonard de Léonard ⦁ Lola & Geert-Jan Hobijn
Machinefabriek ⦁ Marc Widmer ⦁ Marius Watz ⦁ Mark Bain ⦁ Marko Ciciliani ⦁ Martin Kuentz & Martin Howse ⦁ Mattin ⦁ Max Neuhaus ⦁ Mec ⦁ MFO ⦁ Moritz von Oswald feat Vladislav Delay & Max Loderbauer ⦁ Mouse On Mars ⦁ Murcof
Nik Hummer ⦁ Niklas Roy
Optical Machines
Pendle Coven ⦁ Pierre Henry ⦁ Play ⦁ Prof. Dr. Detlev Ipsen ⦁ Prof. Dr. Gernot Böhme ⦁ Prof. Dr. Ulrich Winko ⦁ Prosumer feat Murat Tepeli & Elif Bicer ⦁ Pure
Reverend Beatman ⦁ Robert Piotrowicz & Anna Zaradny ⦁ Rodrigo Derteano
Sanch & Fabian Lamar ⦁ Sanch & Jannis Kilian Kreft ⦁ Shir Khan feat VJ Ultramoodem ⦁ Shit and Shine ⦁ Sick Girls ⦁ Surkin
Telematique & U-Matic ⦁ The Golden Country Guys ⦁ Theverymany ⦁ Thomas Ankersmit ⦁ Tron Lennon
Wojtek Kosma ⦁ Wojtech Kucharczyk ⦁ Wolfgang Seidel ⦁ Wolves in the Throne Room
Xavier van Wersch
Zimoun & PE Lang