FriDiscourse around ethics, corporate sponsorship, independence, and autonomy continues to shape the music landscape. But despite these conversations, the landscape also appears to be largely homogenous. What room is there for different gestures, ideas, practices, and models? This panel brings together representatives from a number of festivals doing things differently. Boom is a Portuguese psychedelic festival that’s entirely independent, working to raise awareness and empathy while maximising positive environmental impact; Denmark’s Roskilde is Northern Europe’s largest and oldest music and art festival run by the Roskilde Festival Charity Society, which endeavours to foster humanitarian, cultural, and environmental work; and Into the Great Wide Open is a small Dutch festival taking place on an island, espousing a leave-no-trace ethos.
Artur Mendes, Signe Wehl, Thomas Jepsen, and Ferry Roseboom speak to Sarah Joy Lynch about why these festivals operate in the ways that they do, and why such approaches are important.
UPDATE 31.1.: Due to unforeseen circumstances Ferry Rosenboon is unable to take part in this discussion.
Born in Lisboa, Portugal, Artur Mendes is one of the current managers of Boom Festival, as well as its head of communication, and production manager of art & program. His love for music led him to be active on many fronts on the electronic music scene in Portugal since the mid 90s. He has been involved with Boom since the early days as a party goer and production staff member.
Sarah Joy Lynch is a Berlin-based social entrepreneur focused on community organising, communication, and music. She is the co-founder and managing director of aequa, a community for social equity.
Ferry Roseboom was born in the sixties and was thus a post-punk. Since there was "No Future" back then, DIY was the only way to go.
Signe Brink Wehl is Head of Arts & Activism at Roskilde Festival, where she is responsible for the broader cultural programme of art installations, performances, talks, speakers, activists, workshops, and the NGO-programme. She is researcher and holds a Ph.D. in field of curating and urbanism.
Thomas Jepsen is one of the music programmers for North Europe's biggest festival, Roskilde, where he focuses mainly on hip hop, indie, alternative, and electronic music. Roskilde has been a non-profit festival since 1971, emphasising environmental and cultural change through their work with donations. With more than 175 acts playing at the festival, it is always a formidable balancing act to ensure that the program involves all kind of sounds.
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