SunWith its annual exhibition, the CTM Festival explores the possibilities and limits of music and sound, and their interference with contemporary art. The 2015 exhibition sounds out various threads connected to the festival theme Un Tune.
Exploring the power of modulating physical and mental states through phenomena such as ASMR, flicker, sensory substitution, psychoacoustics, neo-psychedelia, acoustic alarm response, inter-brain synchronisation, tactile disturbances and more, the featured artists approach human as well as non-human bodies in disquieting and emphatic ways.
Artistic experimentation with the affective and somatic effects of sounds and frequencies opens up possibilities of tuning and de-tuning the composite that interconnects body, matter, energy and machines, but also of atmospheres, spaces, communication and situations. "Un Tune" also serves as an overarching metaphor that refers to the potentials that might be unlocked by temporarily destabilizing our hatibual and consensual states.
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