Régis Renouard-Larivière


Régis Renouard Larivière was born in Paris in 1959. He decided to devote himself to acousmatic composition following the internship ADAC-Grm. Since 1990, he has taught at the Conservatoire Erik Satie (Paris VII) and the Royal Conservatory of Mons, Belgium. His play “Futaie” was awarded the Ars Electronica in 1996.

Editions Mego I – Groupe de recherches musicales (INA-GRM)

HAU2, Tue 28.01.2014, 16:00

Lecture by Christian Zanési with pieces by Pierre Schaeffer, Beatriz Ferryera, Philippe Carson, Bernard Parmegiani, Régis Renouard-Larivière, Christian Zanési