Editions Mego I – Groupe de recherches musicales (INA-GRM)

HAU2, Hallesches Ufer 32, 10963 Berlin Map
Tickets: 8 / 5 €


16:00 19:00

A substantive body of work from the achives of Paris-based Groupe de recherches musicales (INA-GRM) has been released on Mego sublabel Recollection GRM since 2012. Founded by Pierre Schaeffer in 1958, GRM was one of several theoretical and experimental groups operating under the umbrella of Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française.

Exploring Schaeffer’s ideas of musique acousmatique and musique concrète, and still active today as a leading laboratory of sound experimentation that successfully connects to a younger generation of contemporary artists, GRM has counted musicians such as Luc Ferrari, Iannis Xenakis, and the recently deceased Bernard Parmegiani among its members.

The INA-GRM lecture and showcase at CTM 2014 will be presented by composer and current artistic director Christian Zanési, who himself studied under Schaefer at the Paris Conservatory in 1976-77, at which time he also joined the GRM. Zanési will first give a lecture on the history and current experimentation at the GRM, before directing multichannel sound diffusions alongside Robert Hampson (Main) and François Bonnet (Kassel Jaeger) of works by a selection of GRM collaborators ranging from 1940s to the present.

As well as being of CTM’s multi-part focus on independent label Editions Mego, the GRM programme highlights electronic experimentation in France in contrast to focuses on other regions presented at the festival such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia.

Detailed Programme Schedule

Part I – Lecture

16:00 – 17:00

Christian Zanési

Part II – Concert

17:30 – 19:00

  • Pierre Schaeffer "Le Triedre Fertile" (excerpt), 8'
  • Beatriz Ferryera "L’Orvietan", 12'58
  • Philippe Carson "Turmac", 10' 
  • Bernard Parmegiani "La Roue Ferris", 11'
  • Régis Renouard-Larivière "Contrée", 20'
  • Christian Zanési "Paysage électronique avec train", 2006–2012, 19'

Philippe Carson[FR]

Phillipe Carson (1936 – 1972) was a French composer. As member of the Groupe de recherches musicales in Paris, he realized two classic compositions of the French musique concrète movement of the 1960s: Phonology (1962) and Turmac (1962).

Bernard Parmegiani[FR]

Bernard Parmegiani (1927 - 2013) was a composer best known for his electronic or acousmatic music. He joined the Groupe de recherches musicales (GRM) in 1959 for a two-year master class shortly after its founding by Pierre Schaeffer.

Beatriz Ferryera[AR]

Composer Beatriz Mercedes Ferreyra (1937) was born in Cordoba, Argentina. In 1963 she took a position in the research department of the Office de Radiodiffusion Television Francaise (ORTF), working with the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM) under the direction of Pierre Schaeffer.

Pierre Schaeffer[FR]

Pierre (Henri Marie) Schaeffer (1910 – 1995) was a French composer, writer, broadcaster, engineer, musicologist, and acoustician.

Régis Renouard-Larivière[FR]

Régis Renouard Larivière was born in Paris in 1959. He decided to devote himself to acousmatic composition following the internship ADAC-Grm. Since 1990, he has taught at the Conservatoire Erik Satie (Paris VII) and the Royal Conservatory of Mons, Belgium. His play “Futaie” was awarded the Ars Electronica in 1996.

Christian Zanési[FR]

Christian Zanési is a French composer born in Lourdes in 1952. He studied at the Pau University, and at the Paris Conservatory under Pierre Schaeffer and Guy Reibel.

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