

Making his name as part of British dubstep duo Vex’d along with Roly Porter, Jamie Teasedale’s continued explorations led him to disconnect his sound completely from his former project and reinvent himself as Kuedo.

His first ventures under this moniker came via the colorful and warm EPs Starfox and Dream Sequence, both released on the influential Planet Mu label. Kuedo’s debut full-length, Severant (2011, Planet Mu), met with critical and popular acclaim, as has his 2012 follow-up single Work, Live & Sleep In Collapsing Space, garnering the producer an ever growing and diversifying fanbase.

Kuedo’s Severant was bold, boundary-pushing, and unique, yet listening to it was as easy and as satisfying as hearing a really good pop record. Since then he’s released a rare amount of remixes and singles, including a continuing alliance with Hyperdub via the “MTZPN” feature on their Hyperdub 10.1 compilation.

2015 saw the launch of his co-founded art & music imprint, Knives, with a release schedule that includes J.G. Biberkopf, d'Eon, and a long awaited Kuedo EP.

Berlin Current X PHONO Festival

Jazzhouse, Thu 22.10.2015, 20:00

Kuedo, Amnesia Scanner, J.G. Biberkopf, Phoebe Kiddo, PHONO DJs

Science of Synthesis

Berghain, Thu 31.01.2013, 20:00

A Cell of One, Holly Herndon, Forest Swords, d´Eon, Kuedo live A/V show with Lucy Benson (MFO)