Christoph Winkler[DE]

Christoph Winkler is one of Germany’s most versatile choreographers. His work encompasses a wide spectrum of styles as well as themes ranging from the personal to the political. He is widely regarded for his unique dancing style and minimalist, discursive, strictly composed dance dramas. 

As a child and teenager, Winkler gained experience in martial arts, weightlifting, and breakdancing before studying ballet. He danced in MTV music videos and had jobs as a bodyguard and construction worker. In the early nineties, he performed regularly in underground techno clubs. He later went on to study choreography and began working as a freelance choreographer in 1998. Also a music devotee, Winkler founded the experimental music platform Klangkrieg Produktionen, which has released albums by innovative groups like Venetian Snares and Current Value. In 2007, together with the establishment Ehrliche Arbeit – freies Kulturbüro, Winkler founded the agency BERLIN GOGOS to represent and support contemporary dancers and improve their economic situations.

Winkler’s works deal with topics that reference issues currently discussed in society at large, but that also directly pertain to and affect the art form of dance. He has focused on themes such as copyright law (“Dance! Copy! Right?”, 2012), radicalism (“Baader – A Choreography of Radicalisation”, 2012), women of the political right (“RechtsRadikal”, 2013), the staging and performance of protest (“Das Wahre Gesicht - Dance Is Not Enough”, 2013), and the subjectivity of memory (“Abendliche Tänze”, 2013).

Winkler’s productivity hasn’t slowed since he embarked on his freelance career decades ago – in 2017, within three months, he premiered five new pieces: an ensemble project, two new solos, his first work for younger audiences, and his first collaboration with the Cantus Domus Chor. For CTM 2018, he will present the wide-ranging project "The Complete Expressionist", a tribute in music and dance to the multifaceted pioneer and pedagogue Ernest Berk.

Ernest Berk – The Complete Expressionist

HAU2, Sun 28.01.2018, 18:30

Christoph Winkler with groupA, Rashad Becker with Pan Daijing, Patrick Primavesi, Ian Helliwell

Ernest Berk – The Complete Expressionist

HAU2, Mon 29.01.2018, 19:30

Christoph Winkler with groupA, Rashad Becker with Pan Daijing

Ernest Berk – The Complete Expressionist

HAU2, Tue 30.01.2018, 19:30

Christoph Winkler with groupA, Rashad Becker with Pan Daijing